According to state legislation, Texas is what’s known as a shall-issue state. This means that as long as an individual citizen can meet the requirements for a Texas concealed carry permit, they’re going to receive their license to carry. The Department of Public Safety by charter is responsible for issuing Texas LTCs. They have an obligation to efficiently uphold the processing of qualified Texas LTC applicants, without bias. This is good news for anyone searching to obtain a Texas concealed handgun license.
Texas License To Carry (LTC), What is it
What is a Texas license to carry exactly? In the simplest language possible, your Texas license to carry is a permit to walk around with a concealed handgun or open carried handgun. In fact, gun culture is so ingrained in the Texas way of life that the Texas Business and Commerce code supports an LTC as a valid form of identification when processing government forms.
When obtaining your Texas LTC, you’ll notice there’s a certain fee schedule based on your history and service to the country. While the standard fee to acquire your license to carry is $40, military servicemen and women who have dedicated themselves to protecting this country’s freedom’s receive a discount down to $25.
Texas Concealed Carry Permit
The Department of Public Safety estimates that approximately 1,443,195 Texans maintain a concealed carry permit; that’s roughly a little bit less than 5% of the population. Contrary to popular belief, obtaining a concealed carry permit was intentionally designed to weed out individuals with severe psychological issues, mental health issues, and criminal records.
Even though you have completed the process of acquiring your Texas concealed carry license, you’re still not allowed to carry your concealed handgun anywhere. There are what’s known as gun-free zones such as schools, courtrooms, some hospitals, and airports.
Have You Ever Heard Of Castle Doctrine?
Castle Doctrine or stand your ground as it’s commonly referred to is one of the most controversial gun laws that exist. As an individual, you have the right to use force in a limited set of circumstances when a you have no duty to retreat.. Castle Doctrine gives you the legal right to use deadly force if your situation meets certain criteria.
Well trained men and women, as well as military and police, have learned gun safety, knowledge, and intuition from years of training. Without the proper training, it can be quite easy to accidentally pull the trigger in the heat of the moment. However, knowing when not to use deadly force is even more courageous than having the strength to use deadly force. Keep this in mind if you ever find yourself in a situation where you’re considering using your concealed weapon.
What’s The First Step In Getting My LTC in Texas?
It all starts right here. The first thing you want to do is register to take your Texas LTC online class.